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Part 5: Club-wide Spec Presentation

Now that you’ve finished planning your project and completed your spec, it’s time to present your product specification to the club! The purpose of a club-wide spec presentation is to inform your fellow club members about what your team is hoping to accomplish with your project and to receive feedback on what your team may have overlooked and what they can improve upon.

You will give a ~7 minute high-level presentation about your project. During that time, you should cover the details presented in your spec along with a visual representation (Figma) of your project. Through this presentation, other club members will know what your team is working on and will have the opportunity to ask questions if needed.

Presentation Format

You do not need to make a presentation slideshow! Although you can if you want to. At the very least, you need to use your Spec Doc and Figma as visuals.

Every spec presentation (not spec) needs to meet the following requirements:

  • Duration: 5-7 minutes
  • Verbalize the following while showing your spec:
    • A concise and strong overview of the product.
    • Explain what your project is trying to achieve and/or solve.
    • State the minimum viable product features of your project.
    • Demonstrate how your MVP features will look and behave with a Figma prototype or design mockup, briefly walk us through it!
    • Explain how these features will be developed. Including information on your tech stack and how each part of the stack will support these features.
    • List any unanswered questions!

How to Get the Most Out of Presentations

We want you to succeed and get the most out of Spec Presentation Day! Here’s some tried and tested ways to get the most out of this:

  • Revise spec & prototype with club lead guide prior to presenting! Especially well in advance of the presentation day. They can point you in the right direction on parts that need improvement and help strengthen your spec.
  • Pay attention to other projects and take notes! Other projects will be using various tech stacks or frameworks that maybe your project could make use of as well. They might have figured out some things that your team forgot to think about. Be sure to note down some of these decisions or questions your team needs to answer in the future. Help each other out!
  • Seek feedback from the audience! You and your team should strive to get suggestions and feedback from your audience because there is always something that your team might’ve missed that someone in the audience would’ve caught. Encourage your audience to ask questions or provide constructive criticism and be open-minded to all feedback!
  • Reveal what questions your team still needs to answer! We include the part about including questions that the teams still need to figure out so that teams can support and help each other out! When teams have questions they need to answer and you have a potential solution, help them out! Note down any suggestions that the audience gives you for the questions your team still needs to answer as well. Help others, and others will help you!
  • Regroup after presentations to go over feedback! Use the time after everyone presents to talk amongst your team about what specific things still need to be worked on or figured out. Write it down where everyone can see and try to delegate some of the tasks that need to be worked on. If some involve working on them together as a whole team, then plan for that!