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Starter Templates

We've created templates so teams can get up-and-running quicker.

Framework Descriptions


React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, particularly single-page applications where UI updates occur frequently. React uses a declarative syntax, allowing developers to describe how the UI should look based on the application's state. React applications are typically composed of components, each managing its state and properties, enabling a modular and efficient approach to building interactive web applications. Additionally, React can be bundled and combined with other libraries and technologies, making it a versatile choice for frontend development.

React Native

React Native is an open-source JavaScript framework that allows you to build mobile apps using the same codebase, enabling you to write code once and deploy it across different platforms, such as iOS, Android, and Windows. React Native leverages the React library to enable developers to create native-like user interfaces by using JavaScript and React components. This framework facilitates a smooth development experience by combining the efficiency of web development with the performance of native applications, making it a popular choice for building cross-platform mobile applications.


Flutter is a popular mobile-app framework created by Google (now open source) and is able to create apps that run natively on Android, IOS, and the web from a single codebase! The Flutter framework uses the Dart programming language, which is very similar to Java. The Flutter engine however is written in C++, which it exposes as a Dart API to ensure that apps are very performant. Being built on widgets, it is super easy to create a very good looking app with very few lines of code. Finally, Flutter as a front-end framework is super versatile because it is state-based.


Dart as a language is similar to Java and comes with an installation of Flutter by default. So this is a no-brainer choice if you are trying to build a backend server for your Flutter App! Being just a language, you have full control over everything your server does, so this allows your backend to be very flexible, allowing you to do things like query other APIs, run custom scripts, etc.


Django is a high-level, Python web development framework renowned for its emphasis on simplicity, reusability, and rapid development. With a built-in administrative interface, Django facilitates the creation of robust and maintainable web applications by promoting the use of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It follows a batteries-included philosophy, providing a comprehensive set of tools, such as an ORM system, authentication, and templating engine, to streamline the development process. Django's convention over configuration approach, coupled with its scalability and extensibility, makes it a preferred choice for developers aiming to build secure and feature-rich web applications efficiently.


Express.js is a minimalist and flexible web application framework for Node.js, designed to streamline the development of robust and scalable server-side applications. Known for its simplicity and unobtrusive design, Express.js provides a powerful set of features for building web and mobile applications. With a vast ecosystem of middleware, it allows developers to effortlessly handle tasks such as routing, template engines, and HTTP requests, making it an ideal choice for both seasoned developers seeking flexibility and beginners looking for an accessible entry point into Node.js web development.


FastAPI is a high-performance Python web framework for building APIs. It leverages Python type hints for automatic documentation, validation, and serialization. With support for asynchronous programming, FastAPI enables efficient, scalable, and intuitive API development. It is also extremely intuitive and unopinionated, making it a good choice for both experienced developers who know what they want to build, and new developers who want to avoid steep learning curves.